0 troubleshooting – Nova-Tech LMI Series AA-B-C-E-J-P Metering Pumps User Manual
Page 41
1. Turn on pump/plug in pump.
2. Always prime pump with speed at 80% and stroke at 100%.
3. Foot Valve must be vertical (see Foot Valve Installation,
Section 4.6).
4. Maximum suction lift is 5 ft (1.5 m). Pumps with High Viscosity Liquid
Handling Assemblies require flooded suction.
5. Suction tubing must be vertical. Use LMI tubing straightener supplied
with pump (see Section 4.6).
6. Do not overtighten fittings. This causes seal rings to distort and not
seat properly which causes pump to leak back or lose prime.
7. Suction tubing should be as vertical as possible. AVOID FALSE
FLOODED SUCTION! (see Section 4.2.1).
8. Shut off valves in pressurized line. Disconnect tubing at injection check
valve (see Priming Section 6.0). When pump is primed, reconnect
discharge tubing.
1. Refill container with solution and reprime (see Section 6.0).
2. Foot Valve must be vertical (see Foot Valve Installation,
Section 4.6).
3. Maximum suction lift is 5 ft (1.5 m). Pumps with High Viscosity
Liquid Handling Assemblies require flooded suction.
4. Suction tubing must be vertical. Use LMI tubing straightener
supplied with pump (see Section 4.6).
5. DO NOT OVERTIgHTEN FITTINgS. This causes seal rings to distort
and not seat properly which caused pump to leak back or lose prime.
6. Suction tubing should be as vertical as possible. AVOID FALSE
FLOODED SUCTION! (see Section 4.2.1).
7. Check for pinholes, cracks. Replace if necessary.
11.0 Troubleshooting