DCI Products CedarVent User Manual

by DCI
Installation instructions for cedar ventilation
It is important to follow each step within these instructions for proper installation of the
CedarVent™ product. Any deviation from these instructions will void any warranty written
or implied by DCI Products. If you need assistance with this product installation, please call
DCI Products Monday through Friday 8am- 5 pm est.
Our toll free number is 800-622-4455 or contact us via email [email protected]
• 3/8” thick, strong & cost effective solution
• Easy to cut, easy to install & non-corrosive
• Provides the necessary air for cedar to breathe behind the wall or roof surface
• Convenient 3’ foot lengths for easy handling
• Can use power nail guns, will not crush
After the roof/wall is prepared with a vapor barrier over the decking or
plywood surface, install a strip of CedarVent™ around the perimeter
the roof/wall surface.
Install CedarVent™ strips at the lower edge of the roof/wall parallel with
the ground.
Continue installing pieces, butting each piece against the other until you
reach the end.
Install the next parallel CedarVent™ up approximately 5” or at the next
nailing line for your cedar product that is being installed.(The CedarVent™
installs at the nail lines for your particular roof cedar product)
Cedar clapboards - Nail CedarVent™ over existing vertical studs when
For Wall shakes - Nail CedarVent™ horizontal over plywood and install
SmartRidge™ at the roof ridge for ventilation.
Your cedar roof is now properly ventilated with intake and exhaust.
Please contact us if you would like more information regarding the various applications, usage, product safety or warranty
DCI Products Inc 415 South Penn Street Clifton Heights PA 19018
www.dciproducts.com • 800.622.4455 • [email protected]
1 - Perimeter CedarVent™ on walls should be 3/8” short of the corner posts and soffits to allow air to escape. For roofs, CedarVent™ can hang over
the 3/8” on the perimeter rake and eave areas. Please refer to diagram ***