DCI Products ValleyVent User Manual
Valleyvent™ installation instructions, Dci products inc

Valley Installation - Nail one ValleyVent at the bottom of each valley rafter
pointing the 3-ply thick edge towards the valley jack rafter (the two adjoining
ValleyVents should be pointing as close as possible to the center of the valley jack
rafter). Applying the smooth side down, nail in place, install one vent per rafter in
all valley areas, and apply roof sheathing (plywood) over the ValleyVents and nail.
This application ensures air flow through the valley from the soffit to the ridge for
required air exchange. NOTE: Apply a shim spacer at the plywood cut edge in the
valley center if the plywood edge misses the vent strip (use 2.75” X 2.75” pieces of
3-ply ValleyVent or scrap plywood as this shim spacer). Ridge vents are required.
Installation Instructions
Skylight Installation - Nail one ValleyVent on each rafter above and below
the skylight rough openning pointing the 3-ply thick edge towards and even
with the skylight framing and the smooth side down. This application ensures
proper air flow around skylights for required air exchange. (NOTE: the sky-
light side vents run parrallel with the framing and are used simply as a shim
spacer, these side vents can be spaced 16” apart on longer runs). Install roof
sheathing (plywood) over ValleyVents and nail. Ridge vents are required.
Chimney Installation - Nail one ValleyVent on each rafter above and below the chimney
rough opening pointing the 3-ply thick edge towards and even with the chimney fram-
ing and the smooth side down. This application ensures air flow around the chimney for
required air exchange. (NOTE: the chimney side vents run parrallel with the framing and
are used simply as a shim spacer, these side vents can be spaced 16” apart on longer runs).
Install roof sheathing (plywood) over ValleyVents and nail. Ridge vents are required.
DCI Products Inc
Hip Roof Installation - Nail one ValleyVent on each rafter at the top of the hip
rafter, one on each side of the hip beam, touching the pointed 3-ply thick edge at
the hip beam. Install ValleyVents on each rafter from the soffit area of the hip to the
ridge area of the hip (this ensures the proper required air flow from soffit to ridge
along the hip beam). Install roof sheathing (plywood) over ValleyVents and nail.
Ridge vents are required