3 unsteady baseline – Multichannel Systems MEA1060-Up Manual User Manual

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MEA Amplifier for Upright Microscopes - Manual


Contact pin is defective

Possible causes:


The contact pins are contaminated.

 Clean the contact pins carefully with a smooth and clean tissue and pure (100 %) alcohol.


The contact pins are damaged.

 Replace the contact pins carefully. Please see the Spare Parts list under "Ordering Information".

Try to handle and clean the contact pins more carefully next time.

6.3 Unsteady


The baseline is unstable, signals are jumping or drifting.

Possible causes:


Bath electrode is not connected to ground.

 Connect the internal or external bath electrode to one of the ground inputs of the amplifier

as described in "Mounting the MEA Probe".


AgCl bath electrode needs is not well-chlorided.

 Rechloride the electrode or use a new one.


The MEA has an internal reference electrode and pin 15 is connected to ground appropriately,
but the orientation of the MEA inside the amplifier is wrong. In this case, the wrong (standard
size for recording) electrode is connected to ground, but not the reference electrode.

 Open the amplifier and check the orientation of the MEA and the reference electrodes described

in "Mounting the MEA Probe".