Minuteman X-839 Critical Filter Vacuum 4 & 6 Gallon User Manual
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Parts and Instruction Manual
Page 4
5. Take the paper filter protector bag and insert it into the tank and snap the elastic band around the rim of the tank. ( About 2
inches of the bag should be outside of the tank.)
6. Place the cloth filter bag onto and into the tank.
7. Place the formed wire basketinto the the cloth bag with wire ring toward the bottom of the tank.
8. Position the lid onto the tank.
9. Snap the lid latches into place.
For proper cleaning of tank and removal/changing of filters, see “Procedure for Removing Contaminated
Filters and for Cleaning of Contaminated Tank.”
Procedure for Removing Contaminated Filters
and for Cleaning of Contaminated Tank
For the benefit of your health, you should always wear a face mask approved for use with asbestos any time you are using or cleaning
this vacuum cleaner. You should also wear gloves.
1. Unplug machine from power source.
2. Carefully and slowly remove lid only (be sure you have not accidentally lifted the cloth filter bag at the same time). Set the lid/
filter assembly aside.
3. Gently tap the inside of the cloth bag to loosen any particles that may be on the opposite surface. Do this all around the inside
surface of the bag.
4. Gently remove the cloth bag and set aside.
5. Carefully undo the elastic band from around the tank and push the entire bag “slowly” into the tank. Do not allow the elastic
band to snap the bag closed.
6. Using a wiping cloth, dampened with water (not soaking wet), wipe down all of the exposed surfaces inside to the tank; put the
cloth aside, do not discard.
7. Carefully and “very” slowly, push the paper bag down and off of the intake tube, using the attached cardboard collar. After the
collar is removed from the intake tube, take the damp cloth and wipe off any surfaces that were not previously wiped; at this
time, re-wipe the entire inside of the tank and drop the wiping cloth into the plastic bag.
8. CAUTION: Hazardous materials must be disposed of properly. Never throw contaminated debris in your usual trash receptacle.
Place debris in a plastic bag or can marked “HAZARDOUS MATERIALS” and take to a hazardous waste handler.
9. For proper assembly of new filters, see “Tank/Filter Set-Up Procedure.”
Changing The Prefilter
The prefilter should be changed, using all of the precautions previously mentioned.
The prefilter should be changed when any of the following takes place:
1. Anytime there is an indication of a filter tear during normal operation of the unit. This tear could be in any of the filters used.
a. paper dust containment bag
b. paper bag protector
c. cloth filter bag
These tears would show up during the tank clean-out procedure, or....
2. Every other tank clean-out period.
To change the prefilter, do the following before you do Step #3 of the normal clean-out procedure.
a. Wipe down all of the exposed surfaces on the underside of the removed lid, using the dampened wiping cloth (see Step #6).
b. Remove the prefilter from the high efficiency filter. Be careful so as not to damage or puncture the paper media used in the
final filter. Do not attempt to clean the pink impact filter in any way; dispose of by placing it into the tank you are now in the
d. Before proceeding any further in cleaning the tank, first place a new prefilter (one only) onto the U.L.P.A. filter.
e. You may now proceed with Step #3.