Milodon Initial Oil Pump Startup User Manual

2250 Agate Court
Simi Valley, Ca 93065
(805) 577-5950
Oil Pumps
Before installing this new oil pump, there are several preventative measures that should be taken:
If this new oil pump is being installed on an engine that has been in service and experienced a loss of oil
pressure, a thorough examination should be made of all bearings. The oil pan should be checked for signs of
broken valve stem seals and pieces of nylon timing gear sprocket teeth or other foreign materials. Small pieces
of debris can cause the oil pump to "lock up" and damage other vital engine parts.
The new oil pump should be primed prior to installation by submerging it in a supply of clean engine oil and
rotating the shaft. If the pump cannot be primed with oil, it should be packed with petroleum jelly which will
aid in priming. Do not pack the pump cavity with grease as the oil filter may become clogged due to the higher
melting point of grease.
Sometimes it may be necessary to rotate the pump body slightly to insure crankshaft clearance. Rotate the
crankshaft at least once as a precautionary measure.
When installing a high volume pump, be sure to check the pump & pick-up to pan clearance. Longer gears or
gerotors on the high volume pumps might pose an interference problem. Be sure that the pick-up is between
1/4" to 3/8" above the pan floor for best performance. In all applications it is recommended that an
intermediate shaft with the steel sleeve be used (Milodon manufactures oil pump drive shafts #23050-23060
Chevy, #21500-21525 Chrysler, and #22500-22570 for Ford).
Prior to starting a new engine, the oiling system should be pre pressurized by spinning the oil pump with an
electric drill using an adapter (Milodon part # 23000, 23005, 23010 or 23015). Initial start up of a "dry"engine
can cut the service life of the engine in half.