Milodon Chrysler Oil Systems For all Milodon Oil Systems 21000-21196 User Manual
Milodon, Chrysler oiling systems for hemi and wedge engines

2250 Agate Court
Simi Valley, Ca 93065
(805) 577-5950
Chrysler Oiling Systems
For Hemi and Wedge Engines
#21000 through #21196
Although the Milodon Chrysler Oil System has been around for 35 years, it is still the
leader of the pack in ultimate performance and ability to provide adequate oiling to any serious
Chrysler engine, Pro Street through Top Fuel. Today the parts are mostly billet and are run on
CNC mills to assure the highest quality available but still the same renowned engineering.
Installation Procedure
All parts new, machined or existing being reassembled must be thoroughly cleaned.
Pump Assembly: Install a stock pressure regulator or a Milodon adjustable regulator into the
regulator passageway checking for free movement of the piston. Check for free rotation of
the oil pump gears, if necessary hand debur lightly to achieve bind free spin. Check gear
depth in the housing. The gears should be a minimum of .015 to a maximum of .004., less
may score the cover and more will make priming difficult. Check for burrs on the pump and
cover face, dress them if necessary. It is recommended that a coast of white grease at the very
least a coat of thick oil be applied to the gear, cover and regulator piston surfaces. Place the
required O-rings in place. If using the #21815 double entry pump with the Ford style gears it
is imperative that only the supplied large O-ring supplied be used. It measures .065 instead of
the factory .085 size. If a stock O-ring is used with the #21815 housing it will break the O-
ring groove lip and try to seize the gears. This O-ring is also available in the oil system
rebuild kit #21590. The pump cover may now be attached to the housing with the 2 5/16”
1. We have found on some blocks (both steel & aluminum) misalignment between the pump
mounting holes in the block and the holes through the pump. When bolts are tightened the
pump will distort causing interference between the housing and gears. If this occurs, pump
and cover bolt holes may be drilled over size within reason to compensate for misalignment.
2. On some blocks (both steel & aluminum) pump pad is machined at wrong angle causing
pump to not sit square against pad and when bolted up will distort pump housing and perhaps
crack the pump neck. If this occurs, block pump pad should be re-machined on correct angle
(90 degree to pump neck hole).
4. Before priming the pump initially, a liberal coating of white grease, or the like, should be
applied to the inside of the pump housing and all gear surfaces. This will prevent dry start up
scoring and will allow immediate priming of the oil system. For initial system priming
Milodon's 23015 shaft should be used. To assist the pump to prime on initial start-up, as the
rear inlet line enters the oil pump route it slightly above the oil pump before it turns down to
the pick-up.