Lectrosonics VI24 User Manual

Page 7

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Video Switcher Interface

The VI24 menu controls the current VI24 connection status. From here you may
voluntarily connect or disconnect the PC’s serial port from the VI24, as well as toggle
the “Live” display of VI24 output pin status. An option is also provided to clear all VI24
memory and return the unit to its original factory settings.

The Setup menu calls up the three main windows used for creating and changing VI24
settings. These windows are discussed below.


The VI24 Options window provides a few options to fine-tune the VI24’s behavior to
meet your specific needs.

Max. Simul. outputs, adjustable from 1 to 24, indicates how many outputs the VI24
may activate at any given time. Most video switchers can activate only one video source at a time, though some may
be able to split the screen if two inputs are active.

The Conflict Resolution option buttons tell the VI24 what to do when the number of active outputs exceeds the
maximum simultaneous outputs setting. This happens if your video switcher can accommodate only one video
source at a time, yet two or more people assigned to
different cameras speak simultaneously. Three options
are provided.

Previous pins: Active outputs remain active. The VI24
will not respond to interruptions until the original speaker
stops talking. The Pin 1 Priority option allows pin 1
activity to override a previously active pin, even though
all pins remain immune to interruptions from other than
pin 1. In this way, a discussion leader can activate the
camera, but other speakers interrupting each other will
not cause camera switches.

Lowest numbered pins: Lower numbered pins take
priority. Discussion leaders can activate the camera even
if others are still speaking.

Overview pin: The overview pin takes over. This avoids viewer fatigue by showing the entire room when many
people speak at once. The overview pin will also activate during silence unless the Overview Pin During Silence box
is unchecked.

The Hold Last Mic During Silence feature is useful when no overview camera is available. In this mode, the most
recently active output pin remains active indefinitely until another output pin becomes active. The most recent
speaker remains on camera until someone else speaks. Note that if both Hold Last Mic During Silence and Over­
view Pin During Silence are checked, two pins will be activated during silence, even if Max. simul. outputs is set to 1.

The Overview Pin During Silence checkbox causes the overview pin to be activated during periods of silence.
Ordinarily this box is checked. Unchecking this box permits the overview pin to be used exclusively for conflict
resolution, if desired. (See Conflict Resolution, above.)

The GPI Contact Closure frame lets you indicate what type of GPI inputs your video switcher has. Some require
momentary closure while others require continuous contact.

Time to Qualify is the length of time a mixer input must be active before the VI24 will assert the corresponding
output pin. Time to Release is the length of time a mixer input must be inactive before the VI24 will extinguish the
corresponding output pin. For both settings, 0 means no delay. Fractional seconds are permitted, but precision
beyond .5 seconds is not assured.

Rio Rancho, NM – USA