Setup with the lcd, Audio screen, Frequency screen – Lectrosonics SMa User Manual
Page 7: Compatibility mode screen, Turning the power on, Turning the power off, Entering the standby mode, Lock/unlock screen
Super-Minature Belt Pack Transmitters
Setup with the LCD
Six screens are used to set up and operate the SM.
These screens are used to set the operating frequency,
adjust the audio input level, select the Compatibility
Mode or lock the control panel and power down the
Audio Screen
The Audio screen is used to
adjust input gain from 0 to +44
dB, and the low frequency roll-
off from 35 to 150 Hz. Repeat
edly pressing the AUDIO button
toggles back and forth between the two displays. Press
and hold the AUDIO button and use the Up and Down
arrows to make adjustments.
Frequency Screen
The Frequency Screen dis
plays the operating frequency
in MHz or as a two-digit
hexadecimal number that cor
responds to the equivalent
Lectrosonics Frequency Switch
Setting. Pressing the FREQ button toggles between the
two displays.
Compatibility Mode
Holding down the Up arrow but
ton while powering up the SM
opens the Compatibility Mode
and Power setting screens. Repeated pressing of the
FREQ or AUDIO buttons toggles between the Compat
ibility Mode and Power screens.
Note: RF transmission is prevented while selecting
Compatibility Modes and Power level.
Use the Up and Down arrow buttons to select the de
sired compatibility mode:
• 400 - for all Lectrosonics 400 Series Digital Hybrid
receivers, including the Venue. This mode
offers the best audio quality.
• 200 - for all Lectrosonics 200 Series receivers.
• 100 - for all Lectrosonics 100 Series receivers.
• 3 - (Mode 3) for non-Lectrosonics analog receivers.
Contact the factory for a list of compatible receivers.
• IFB - for all Lectrosonics IFB receivers.
• 6 - (Mode 6) for non-Lectrosonics analog receivers.
Contact the factory for a list of compatible receivers.
To power off from the compat
ibility mode screen, press and
hold AUDIO and FREQ to
Initial Power On
Timer Screen
Turning the Power On
With the power turned off, simultaneously pressing
and holding the AUDIO and FREQ buttons displays a
timer with numerals on the right. The numerals count
up from one and the boot sequence begins when the
count reaches three. “LECtro” is displayed as the boot
sequence begins. If either button is release prior to the
screen reaching numeral three,
the unit will enter the Standby
Mode with no RF output (see
Standby Mode below).
Initial Power Off
Timer Screen
Turning the Power Off
With the unit turned on, simultaneously holding the AU
DIO and FREQ buttons starts a countdown timer with
numerals on the right. The screen counts down from
three and the transmitter turns off when it reaches zero.
Releasing either button prior to the Power Off Timer
screen indicating zero returns
the unit to normal operation and
displays the previous screen.
Standby Screen
Entering the
Standby Mode
With the power turned off, pressing the AUDIO and
FREQ buttons for about one second places the unit in
Standby Mode. In this mode the RF output is turned off
so all setup adjustments can be made without interfer
ing with other systems operating in the same location.
The screen displays “rf OFF” to remind the user that the
unit is not transmitting.
Holding the FREQ button in Standby Mode displays the
current operating frequency of the transmitter. The op
erating frequency can be changed by holding the FREQ
button and pressing either the Up or Down button.
Release the FREQ button, then press and hold it again
to toggle the display between frequency in MHz and the
hex code corresponding to the equivalent Lectrosonics
Frequency Switch Setting.
Holding the AUDIO button in Standby Mode displays
the current audio input level setting. This level can be
changed by holding the AUDIO button and pressing
either the Up or Down button.
Quickly pressing both the FREQ and AUDIO buttons
simultaneiously when the unit is
in Standby Mode powers off the
Lock/Unlock Screen
Simultaneously pressing and
holding both the Up and Down
arrow buttons during normal operation starts the Lock
timer. The timer starts at three and counts down to zero.
Rio Rancho, NM