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Configure a model number in this format: LT20DCV1, CBL04
Transmitter Type
LT......4-20 mA, 0-20 mA or 0-
10V isolated analog output, iso-
lated RS232 or RS485 serial
data output, two 120 mA solid
state relays, and isolated trans-
ducer excitation output.
LTE.... 4-20 mA, 0-20 mA or
0-10V isolated analog output,
isolated Ethernet output, two
120 mA solid state relays, and
isolated transducer excitation
Main Board
2...............Standard main board
4...............Extended main board
Note: Extended main board
adds rate of change and custom
curve linearization. Not applic-
able to temperature.
0..............................85-264 Vac
1.......... 12-32 Vac or 10-48 Vdc
Input Type
DC Volts
DCV1..................... ..200.00 mV
DCV2...........................2.0000 V
DCV3...........................20.000 V
DCV4...........................200.00 V
DCV5.............................600.0 V
DC Amperes
DCA1....................... 2.0000 mA
DCA2........................20.000 mA
DCA3....................... 200.00 mA
DCA4.............................5.000 A
RMS Volts
RMV1 ...................... 200.00 mV
RMV2 ......................... 2.0000 V
RMV3 ......................... 20.000 V
RMV4 ......................... 200.00 V
RMV5 ........................... 600.0 V
RMS Amperes
RMA1 ...................... 2.0000 mA
RMA2 ...................... 20.000 mA
RMA3 ...................... 200.00 mA
RMA4 ........................... 5.000 A
Process Signals
4-20 mA, 0-10V, etc.
P…...4-20 mA in = 4-20 mA out
P1…………….Custom Scaling
Specify min input and output,
max input and output.
Strain Gauge, Potentiometer
4-wire ratio. Full scale ranges
from 200 mV to 20V.
SG ....... 0-200 mV in = 4-20 mA
SG1 ..................Custom Scaling
Specify min input & min output,
max input & max output.
Load Cells
4- or 6-wire ratio. Full scale
ranges from 20 to 500 mV.
WM1........... -99,999 to +99,999
Specify min input and output,
max input & output.
RTD Temperature
Pt100, P385C .....-202 to 850°C
Pt100, P385F ... -331 to 1562°F
Pt100, P392C .....-202 to 850°C
Pt100, P392F ... -331 to 1562°F
Ni120, 672C .........-80 to 260°C
Ni120, 672F ....... -112 to 500°F
Cu10, 427C...........-97 to 260°C
Cu10, 427F......... -143 to 500°F
Thermocouple Temperature
JC .......................-210 to 760°C
JF...................... -347 to 1400°F
KC.....................-244 to 1372°C
KF ..................... -408 to 2501°F
TC .......................-257 to 400°C
TF ....................... -430 to 752°F
EC .....................-240 to 1000°C
EF ..................... -400 to 1830°F
NC.....................-245 to 1300°C
NF.................... .-410 to 2370°F
SC.......................-46 to 1768°C
SF ....................... -51 to 3214°F
RC.......................-45 to 1768°C
RF....................... -49 to 3213°F
R1............................ 0-20 ohms
R2.......................... 0-200 ohms
R3…………...…..... 0-2 kohms
R4.......................... 0-20 kohms
R5........................ 0-200 kohms
CBL04.......RS232 cable, trans-
mitter to computer
CBL02.......USB to DB9 adapter