Sub-mode 5 (set one shot code), Sub-mode 6 (set relay output times), Sub-mode 7 (program relay b access codes) – American Access Systems PhoneAire - 16-1050 User Manual
Page 17: Sub-mode 8 (enable/disable 3 strikes-you’re out)

Page 17 American Access Systems / Security Brands, Inc.
sub-Mode 5 (set one shot code)
EXPLANATION: This Mode is used to program a One-Shot Code, and to enable it or disable it.
After the 5 is pressed the enable/disable status is heard (one beep = enabled, two beeps = disabled) followed by a
To disable the one-shot code enter:
(MAsTer code) + 5 (*status) + 0
To enable the one-shot code enter:
(MAsTer code) + 5 (*status) + 1
To change the one-shot code enter:
(MAsTer code) + 5 (*status) + 2 + (one-shoT code)
To change the relay the one-shot code activates enter:
(MAsTer code) + 5 (*status) + 3 + (relAy #)
The Relay number corresponds to which relay to set. 1 = Relay A, 2 = Relay B.
sub-Mode 6 (set relay output Times)
To set or change relay output times enter the following:
(MAsTer code) + 6 + (relAy #) + (relAy ouTPuT TiMe) in seconds
The Relay # corresponds to which relay to set. 1 = Relay A, 2 = Relay B. Your output time is set on both relays from the
factory at approximately 1/2 seconds “00”. If a longer output time is desired, enter a two digit number corresponding
to the number of seconds between “00” and “99”. By entering “00” the output time is set to approximately 1/2
seconds which is ideal for most operators.
sub-Mode 7 (Program relay B Access codes)
To program new relay B access codes enter the following:
(MAsTer code) + 7 + (neW code) + (neXT neW code) etc ( # to exit)
You may select any 4-digit code you wish. If you receive an ERROR TONE after entering a code it indicates that code
is being used. Select another code. The unit will respond with a GOOD TONE as the unit accepts each new Relay B
code. Continue entering Relay B codes until you finish (Press #), or the memory becomes full.
You will automatically be exited from the program mode if the memory reaches capacity. When memory is full you
will not be able to enter this Sub-Mode and will receive an ERROR TONE if entry is attempted.
sub-Mode 8 (enable/disable 3 strikes-you’re out)
EXPLANATION: This feature is desirable to keep unwanted persons from successively entering codes until they “hit” a
programmed access code. By selecting this function you enable a 90-seond lock out period if 3 incorrect codes are
entered successively within a 3 minute period. When this occurs, the LED’s will flash and a high pitched alarm will be
generated from the unit for 30 seconds. The unit will then shutdown for 1 minute.
To toggle the 3 strikes-you’re out feature enter the following:
(MAsTer code) + 8 (*current state) + (MAsTer code)
* current state single beep = 3 strikes enabled -- double beep = 3 strikes disabled
After you have selected mode 8, the unit will respond with a single or double tone. A single tone indicates that the 3
Strikes-You’re Out feature is enabled. A double beep indicates that the 3 Strikes-You’re Out feature is disabled. The
unit will then issue a GOOD TONE and wait for the MASTER code. If you wish to toggle the 3 Strikes You’re Out state,
enter the MASTER code. If you do not wish to toggle the state, enter # to exit.