Step 2-a– cabling using other wiegand controllers – American Access Systems RemotePro KP 12-000sg User Manual
Page 5

Page 5 American Access Systems / Security Brands, Inc.
the IDLe moDe
The idle mode is the mode of operation in which the unit sits and waits for data from the keypad. When a key is
pressed you will have approximately 3 seconds between keypresses before the unit resets.
the LeD’s
The yellow LED serves as a ready indicator and stays lit while the 12-000 is waiting for data from the keypad. When a
key is pressed the yellow led will go out until either 5 numeric keys are pressed on the keypad or a time of 3 seconds is
exceeded between keypresses. The red LED will light when a valid code is entered from the slave.
the * AnD # KeYs
The * and # keys both serve as clear keys and should be used if an entry error is made. A double beep will be heard
from the unit when either key is pressed.
enteRIng DAtA
A beep will be heard from the unit when a numeric key is pressed. You may enter any 5 digit code from the keypad
from 00000 to 65534. If a number greater than 65534 is entered, the unit will error internally and data will not be
transmitted from the unit.
the DIP sWItChes
The dip switches are not utilized if you are interfacing the 12-000(i) slave to an AAS DKS system and all the dip switches
should be set to off. Should you be interfacing the slave to a 3rd party system, contact American Access Systems for
the appropriate dipswitch programming instructions.
steP 2-A– CAbLIng UsIng otheR WIegAnD ContRoLLeRs
Run 6 conductor twisted foil shielded cable between the REMOTE PRO Slave and the Master. Keep the cable
separated from high voltage 6” for every 110 volts. The Remote Pro Slave operates on 6 VDC minimum and 12 VDC
maximum. Measure your voltage from the source and make sure it falls within these tolerances. Locate the Wire
Harness on the Remote Pro Slave. The circuit board end of the cable is keyed and can only be plugged into the
circuit board one way. Do not FoRCe the ConneCtoR. Follow the color code chart below for hookup.