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Most SMTP servers require that the client authenticates
properly prior to accepting e-mail delivery. Unless your
SMTP server does not require authentication, this option
should be enabled.

SMTP: When this option is activated, the camera will submit

a user name and password to the SMTP server for
authentication. Type in a valid user name and password in
the fields below.

POP before SMTP: If your SMTP server uses this
authentication method, you also need to provide the
address of the incoming e-mail (POP) server.

Recipient e-Mail address:

Enter the e-mail address where you want the camera to
send the videos and pictures.

Administrator e-Mail address:

This is the e-mail address that the camera uses as its
“from” address. You should fill out this field (e.g.,
[email protected]), because some SMTP servers
will not deliver e-mail from clients that have no “from”
address specified.

Attached file type: Select snapshot if you want the camera to send single

images (JPEG format). Selecting “video clip” instructs the
camera to send short video clips in length of max. 5
seconds. This option is only available in certain models.


Define the subject of the e-mail message here.


Enter the message body of the e-mail.

Click “OK” to save the settings. When
done, click “Test” to verify the e-mail
settings. A popup window will open
that informs you whether or not the
test was successful.