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Camera -> Network -> Information:

On this page you can define the network settings of the camera. By default the
camera is set up to automatically obtain the necessary IP information from the
DHCP server (e.g., the router) in your network. You can, however, set up the IP
address and related settings manually.

MAC address:

MAC address stands for Media Access Control address. This is
the unique hardware address of the camera’s network

Obtain an IP address automatically (DHCP): This is the default setting. In this

mode the camera obtains the IP information from the DHCP
server in your network.

Use the following IP address: Activate this option in order to assign a static IP

address to the camera. You need to enter a valid IP address,
subnet mask and default gateway address in the
corresponding fields.

Use the following DNS server address: When you disable DHCP, you also need

to provide the camera with valid DNS settings. The Primary
DNS server must be filled out. It is often the same IP address
as the Gateway address.

HTTP port number: The default value is 80 and normally there is no need to

change it. If you decide to change the http port to a different
value; e.g., 1024, you need to do two things:
1. After saving the settings you need to reboot the camera via
the System -> Initialize menu.
2. After the reboot is completed you need to connect to the
camera using the URL http://camera_ip:portnumber.