Ph electrode 53 64 – Hach-Lange 5364 User Manual

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pH electrode 53 64

The 53 64 is a low maintenance pH elec-
trode for extremely difficult media.


Before use with hazardous substanc-
es, find out about the relevant haz-
ards, protective measures, and what
to do in an emergency.

Electrode preparation
• Remove the storage protector


• Verify that there are not air bubbles

inside the membrane

. They can be

removed by shaking the electrode as a
clinical thermometer.

In immersion, insertion, flotation housings,
etc. with PG 13,5 thread.

See Housing instruction manual.

Cable. They are connected to coaxial
cables with an AS9 connector.


See pH-meter instruction manual.

Measurements. Recommendations
See pH-meter instruction manual.
Ensure that the electrode’s specifications
are adapted to the process.
Sample must cover the diaphragm


• Deposits forming on the electrodes,

caused by continual exposure of the sen-
sors to a dirty or contaminated medium, is
one of the most frequent causes of prob-
lems when measuring pH. When possible
it’s recommended to use a housing with
automatic sensor cleaning system.

• When an electrode gets contaminated,

the simple rinsing with distilled water is
not suffi cient. The most suitable clean-
ing solution is one which acts in a more
selective way over the contamination
(look for regeneration solutions).

• Re-hydration. A “dry” electrode re-

covers by immersing it in in diluted HCl
solution for several hours. It is recom-
mended to read the information sup-
plied with the electrode’s regenerating

... the meter always shows the same pH


Short circuit in the electrode or cable.
Substitute the cable or the elec-

... shifting of pH values.

Reference system contamination.
Replace the electrode

... unstable reading.

Diaphragm blockage.

Clean, regenerate, replace the elec-

... impossible to perform calibration.
... very slow response.

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