Hach-Lange POLYMETRON 8398 User Manual
Page 11

Inductive Probe 8398
4.2 Use with a 8921 conductimeter
The use of a type 8398 inductive probe connected to a type 8921 2-channel
conductimeter requires that this latter be fitted with a software version greater than or
equal to the following versions:
Software Minimum
version no.
Memory reference
Standard 3.76 08921=A=6200
Concentration 1.04
Special 4.07
To install your new software version, proceed as follows:
x Remove the transmitter's front panel (4 screws).
x On the rear of the front panel, there are two circuit boards. Remove the first of
these two circuit boards (4 screws).
x At the rear of this printed circuit board, carefully change the integrated circuit
(EPROM) represented on the figure opposite.
x Check that the memory has been inserted in the correct position, otherwise it
would be irreversibly damaged.
x Re-fit the front panel and initialise the instrument's default parameters using
command 900.
x Reprogram the instrument to your configuration and configure command C101
(102) with Argument 2, which corresponds to the 8398 probe's cell constant,
equal to 2.35.