Functions and controls – American Audio UCD-100 User Manual

Page 9

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for at least 2 seconds to enter the internal menu. Use the fOLDER/tRACK KnOB (14) to scroll through the
internal menu.
6. SGL/CTN - this button allows the unit’s play mode to change between Single and Continuous. In single
mode the unit will play a single track and return to cue mode. In continuous mode the unit continues to play
track by track.
7. LIqUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY (LCD) - this high quality LCD Indicates all the unit functions (play, pause, cue,
etc..,), as they occur as well as displaying the time and track values. this display is viewable at several com-
fortable angles as described on page 11.
8. PITCH SLIDER - this slider is used to adjust the playback pitch percentage when the PitCh (10) function
is activated. the slider is a set adjustment and will remain set until the pitch slider is moved or the PitCh (10)
function has been turned off. this adjustment can be made with or without a CD in the drive. the pitch adjust-
ment will remain even if a disc has been remove, and will reflect on any other disc loaded into the unit. that is
to say, if you set a +2% pitch on one disc, remove that disc and insert another, that disc too will have a +2%
pitch. the amount of pitch being applied will be displayed in the LCD (7). Use this slider to match the BPM’s
of this unit to that of another music source. By changing the pitch of one disc with respect to the other in this
way, the beats can be matched.
9. TAP/BPM BUTTON - Press this button to switch between manual BPM and Auto BPM. When in manual
BPM mode, tap this button to the beat of the current track.
10. PITCH BUTTON/ PITCH PERCENTAGE SELECTOR - this button is used to turn the pitch function on
and off and choose the pitch percentage. the pitch percentages to choose from are 4%, 8%, 16%, and 100%.
to activate the pitch slider press the button for at least 3 seconds. the pitch functions of the PitCh SLiDEr
, PitCh bEND buttONS (11), and JOG WhEEL (18) will not function without this function being activated.
See page 19 for more details.

The pitch slider and “+” and “-” pitch bend buttons have a maximum range

of +/-100%.

(-) PITCH BEND/vOLUME CONTROL - the (-) pitch bend function creates a momentary “Slow Down” in

the CD’s pitch speed (Beats per minute - BPM) when the PitCh (10) function is activated. this function allows
the beats between two CD’s or any other music source to match. this is a momentary function. When the
button is depressed the pitch speed will automatically return to PitCh SLiDEr’S (8) selected pitch. Holding
down this button will give a maximum of -16% pitch. Be sure to remember that this function is a momentary
pitch adjustment, for a more precise adjustment use the PitCh SLiDEr’S (8) to match the BPM’s with another
playing music source. this button can also lower the output volume level, please see page 18.

(+) PITCH BEND/vOLUME CONTROL - the (+) pitch bend function creates a momentary “BUMP” in the

CD’s pitch speed (Beats per minute - BPM) when the PitCh (10) function is activated. this function allows the
beats between two CD’s or any other music source to match. this is a momentary function. When the button
is depressed the pitch speed will automatically return to PitCh SLiDEr’S (8) selected pitch. Holding down
this button will give a maximum of +16% pitch. Be sure to remember that this function is a momentary pitch
adjustment, for a more precise adjustment use the PitCh SLiDEr’S (8) to match the BPM’s with another play-
ing music source. this button can also raise the output volume level, please see page 18.
12. TEMPO LOCK FUNCTION - this button activates the tEMPO LOCK function. this function allows you
to use the PitCh SLiDEr (8) to speed up or slow down playback speed without altering the tonal pitch of
the track. When this function is not engaged the original tonal pitch of the track will be altered giving you the
“chipmunk” effect when a track is played at a high rate of speed, or the “James Earl Jones” effect when a
track is slowed to much.

this search button allows you to quickly scan backwards through a track.

this search button allows you to quickly scan forwards through a track.



American Audio


- - UCD-100 Instruction Manual Page 9