Green Air Products Telaire 7001 User Manual
Introduction, Operation, Calibration (co

The Telaire
7001 is an easy-to-use hand-
held CO
/Temperature monitor. The unit pro-
vides stable, highly accurate readings due
to our patented dual beam NDIR technology.
Equipped with a 0-4V output, the unit is per-
fect for long-term monitoring/recording.
The unit features a large, easy-to-read dis-
play with a push-button interface which al-
lows for easy calibration, quick adjustments
for altitude correction, and simple toggling
between °C and °F temperature readings.
1. Press the Power Button.
2. A 2 second delay will occur before the
display becomes visible.
3. 10 seconds will elapse before current
readings are displayed.
4. “Warm-up” will display for approxi-
mately one minute. During this one
minute warm-up, adjustments can not be
made to the sensor.
Elevation Correction - The sensor is
shipped with the elevation setting set at
“zero” or sea level. The sensor, like any
other gas measuring device is directly af-
fected by altitude changes. If you are at an
altitude greater than 500 feet, an adjustment
should be made to assure sensor accuracy.
To change the default setting using Elevation
Correction follow the steps below.
1. While in Normal Mode press the “Mode”
button once. The Elevation LCD will be-
gin blinking.
2. Press Enter.
3. Press mode to toggle the elevation reading
between feet (ft) and meters (m)
4. Use the Up/Down button to adjust the alti-
tude. The altitude can be adjusted in incre-
ments of 500 (feet) or 100 (meters). Once
the correct altitude is set, press Enter to
lock the setting and return to normal mode.
Display in Fahrenheit or Celsius - To
change the temperature to read in Celsius or
Fahrenheit, or to turn the temperature dis-
play off, use the Up or the Down button.
Stand-alone Monitoring - Once the batter-
ies have been installed and the Elevation
correction has been made (as described in
the steps above), the sensor will begin to
accurately display current room conditions.
Kickstand - The sensor is equipped with a
kickstand located on the base of the unit.
For desktop monitoring, pull the kickstand
out to prop the unit on an angle.
Monitoring using an External
Datalogger - Voltage outputs for both CO
and temperature are available via an RJ-45
jack on the rear of the unit.
Calibration (CO
1. The calibration procedure will last ap-
proximately 5 minutes. Before performing
the calibration procedure, remove the bat-
tery cover (see “Battery Installation”) to
provide access to the CO
calibration ac-
tivation switch. Connect the supplied AC
adapter to the back of the sensor. If you
do not have the AC adapter, new batter-
ies should be used.
2. Power up the sensor and wait for the
Warm-up to end.
3. Next verify the Elevation correction has
been set. Refer to the steps in Elevation
Correction for procedure.
4. Once the Elevation is verified, press the
Mode button twice. The Calibration mode
will begin blinking.
5. Press Enter.
P/N 62292
Listed below are the modes of operation
visible on the display and is accessible
through the on-board buttons.
Warm-Up Mode - When the power button
is pressed, the monitor enters a one minute
warm-up indicated by the word WARM-UP
in the upper left corner.
Normal Operating Mode - After warm-up
the sensor will stabilize and display current
Elevation Settings Mode - This feature al-
lows the user to correct the monitor for el-
evation changes.
Calibration Settings Mode - Allows user
to set the CO
concentration or Temperature
when performing a calibration.
Calibration in Prog Mode - Displays
when calibration is in progress.
Low Battery - Displays when the power
source is low.
Battery Operation - For portable use, the
monitor operates on 4 AA batteries. Ex-
pected battery life is as follows:
Normal (Non-Alkaline)..Up to 50 hours
Rechargeable............Up to 60 Hours
Industrial Alkaline ...Up to 70 Hours
Battery Installation - Remove the battery
cover (located on the back) by pressing the
pressure clip (located on the bottom near
the kickstand) and pull upward.
Follow the battery diagram imprinted on the
plastic on the back cover for proper installa-
tion. Replace battery cover when battery
installation is complete.
Low Battery - Depending on the battery, a
warning signal will flash (indicated by the
blinking Low Battery LCD) when there is
less than 30 minutes of battery life. At this
point the batteries should be replaced or the
AC adapter should be used as a substitute.
If operation continues, the unit will become
inoperable and only the Low Battery will be
blink on the LCD display.
AC Power - The sensor is shipped with a
6V DC 500mA AC/DC adapter.
To use the AC adapter, connect the plug
into the back of the unit and plug the trans-
former into any standard wall outlet.
Use the supplied adapter. Using
the wrong adapter may cause
damage to the unit.
If power is lost during operation, battery op-
eration will not function as a back up.
6. Use the Up/Down Rocker button to adjust
the lower reading on the display to the
current ambient conditions. Pressing the
button once will change the readings in
increments of 10 ppm. To increase the
speed, press and hold the button.
For best accuracy, a reference or
known concentration of CO
should be used when adjusting
the reading.
7. Next, on the backside of the unit locate
the push button switch (under the battery
cover, in the small round hole to the right
of the connector jack), use a small
pointed object to depress and hold the
switch for 5 seconds. The Calibration
light will begin to blink.
8. Press Enter.
9. Calibration In Progress will begin to
blink. At this point the unit will program it-
self based on the CO
value that was in-
put in Step 6. The calibration process will
take approximately 5 minutes.
When Calibration is complete, the display
will return to the steady Calibration
mode. Press Enter to return to the nor-
mal operation mode.
Use this procedure to adjust the temperature
output when, for example, you wish to have
the temperature output match a reference sen-
sor. The accuracy of a field adjustment is de-
pendent upon the stability of the environment
is which the procedure is performed, and
upon the accuracy of the reference sensor.
1. Before performing the temperature adjust-
ment, connect the supplied AC adapter to
the back of the sensor. If you do not have
the AC adapter, new batteries should be
2. Power up the sensor and, using the
kickstand, place it on a flat surface in a
stable environment relatively free of
drafts or temperature changes. Wait 30
minutes for the unit to fully equilibrate with
the environment. Do not hold the unit in
your hand during this period.
3. Press the Mode button three times. The
word “TEMPERATURE” at the bottom of
the display will begin blinking.
4. Press Enter. Both the word “TEM-
PERATURE” and the numeric tempera-
ture display will begin blinking in unison.
5. Use the Up/Down Rocker button to ad-
just the temperature reading to match the
6. Press Enter. The temperature offset is
immediately adjusted, the blinking stops,
and the unit is now in normal operating
1. Lightweight- Made of ABS Plastic. This
durable, lightweight plastic adds protection
while weighing less than one pound.
2. Display - The large display allows for CO
and Temperature readings at a glance. The
display also allows for adjustments to mode
settings using the push button interface.
3. Soft Touch - Attractive, gives comfort
and extra durability.
4. Up/Down Button - Used to increase or
decrease values while in the edit mode.
5. Mode Button - Toggles between menu
6. Power - Turns the power on and off.
7. Enter - When toggling between menu op-
tions, the Enter button will select desired menu
option for editing (e.g. Altitude settings). After
changes have been made, the Enter key will
also confirm settings and return to the main menu.
8. Calibration Port - Used for gas connec-
tion during calibration.
9. Calibration Activation Switch -
Located in the battery compartment, this
switch is used for activating the calibration
process for CO
or Temperature.
10. Voltage Output- The sensor is
equipped with an output for datalogging.
(see accessories).
11. Built-in Kickstand- For continuous
monitoring. The built-in kickstand simply
swings out from the base to support the moni-
tor in an upright position.
12. Power Connection - For connecting the
supplied 6V power adapter.
13. Battery Compartment - 4 AA Batteries
are required for portable operation.
14. Battery Cover