Global Specialties PB-500 - Manual User Manual
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The Global Specialties Model PB-500 Analog Circuits Trainer is an analog
breadboarding instrument with built-in power supplies and function generator. It can be
used for analog circuit design and training purposes and its unique combination of
built-in functions and uncommitted devices makes it one of the most convenient bread-
boarding systems available.
Power supplies - The PB-500 has four regulated DC power supplies available for
breadboarding. Two of the supplies are fixed at plus and minus 12 volts. The remaining
two supplies are completely variable from 0 to +7.5 volts DC and 0 to (-) 7.5 volts DC
respectively. All four supplies are short circuit protected.
Function Generator - The PB-500 is capable of producing sine, triangle, square and TTL
signals over the range of 0.1Hz to l00KHz. An internal capacitor sets the frequency
to1KHz, but the full range can be attained by installing external capacitors of the
appropriate value. (See addendum note #1).
Uncommitted devices
– ThePB-500 has a number of "uncommitted" devices
installed in it to support your breadboarding needs:
1. Two Slide potentiometers, 10k and 100k
2. Two SPDT slide switches
3. Two BNC connectors
4. One 2 " Speaker
Breadboarding - All of the above functions are internally connected to a solderless
interconnect socket with 5 tie points for each signal. In addition, a Global Specialties
UBS-100 solderless breadboarding socket is attached to the unit, thus providing a
convenient work area for circuitry being designed or studied. Both sockets allow
insertion of components or wires up to#20 AWG.
The unit is housed in a durable plastic enclosure with a hinged protective cover thus
making it portable and stack-able for storage purposes.