Smart features, Programmable lut, white balance, hue, saturation, Debayering – ALLIED Vision Technologies Stingray F-046 User Manual
Page 3: Auto gain, auto exposure, Gain, Auto/manual, Manual gain control: 0 - 24.4 db, Exposure, Exposure time: 31 µs - 67 s, Color correction
Smart features
Stingray cameras include numerous real-time image pre-processing functions. All below
mentioned functions are performed by the FPGA inside the camera – with no additional CPU
load and thus an inexpensive host computer.
AOI (true partial scan), separate AOI for auto features
Programmable LUT, white balance, hue, saturation
Auto gain, auto exposure
Manual gain control: 0 - 24.4 dB
Exposure time: 31 µs - 67 s
Color correction
Shading correction
High SNR mode (up to 24 dB better signal-to-noise ratio)
Local color anti-aliasing
Sub-sampling, 2x – 8x binning (b/w)
Low noise binning mode
Defect pixel correction
Sequence mode (changes the camera settings on the fly)