Act 720 – ACT Meters 720 Datalogging Multimeter User Manual
Page 13

ACT 720
Important Information
+44(0)1744 886660
Frequency Measurements
1. Connect and make the measurement required as described in the previous paragraphs
2. Press the Hz key to select the Frequency (Hz) function
3. Read the frequency on the display
Notes on Sensitivity
Input sensitivity varies automatically with function range selected. The mV function has the
highest (300mV) and the 1000V range has the lowest (300V) sensitivity. It is recommended
that the user first measure the signal voltage (or current) level before activating the Hz
function to automatically set the most appropriate trigger level. You can also press the
RANGE button momentarily to select another trigger level manually. If the Hz reading
becomes unstable, select a lower sensitivity to avoid electrical noise. If the display is zero,
select a higher sensitivity.
Diode Test
1. Insert the black lead into the negative COM jack and the red test lead into the positive
2. Set the function to ‘ CAP’ position
3. Press the SELECT key momentarily to select the diode function (if required)
4. Touch the test probe tips to the diode or semiconductor junction you wish to test.
Note the meter reading.
5. Reverse the test lead polarity by reversing the red and black leads. Note this reading.
6. The diode or junction can be evaluated as follows:
A. If one reading displays a value and the other reading displays ‘OL’ the diode is good
B. If both readings display ‘OL’, the device is open
C. If both readings are very small or 0, the device is shorted
Temperature Measurements
1. Insert the Temperature Probe into the COM and TEMP input jacks observing polarity
2. Set the function switch to the ‘TEMP’ position
3. Use the SELECT key to toggle between ºC and ºF
4. Touch the Temperature Probe tip to the device under test
5. Wait 30 seconds for the measurement to stabilize then read the display