Com-Power ALC-100 User Manual
Compact log periodic, Features, Application

Frequency Range: 300 MHz to 1 GHz
Part of the ANK series antenna kits
Compact and light weight
Transmit or receive capability
Three year warranty
The ALC-100 Log Periodic antenna is suitable for EMC
testing to verify compliance to various EMC stan-
dards such as FCC, EN/CE, CISPR, etc. The broadband
characteristics of the log periodic antenna make it a
good choice for making sweep measurements and
for automated measurement systems. It also has
low VSWR for efficient use available power for gen-
erating electromagnetic field for immunity testing.
In addition, the ALC-100 can be used for EMC nor-
malized site attenuation measurements. Normally,
tuned dipole antennas are used for this purpose
for better accuracy. However, a set of log periodic
antennas are easier to use because it is compact in
size does not have to be tuned at each frequency.
According to ANSI 63.4 specification use of calibrated
Log Periodic antennas are permitted as an alterna-
tive to Dipole antennas.
The individual calibration data shipped with each
antenna includes antenna factor and isotropic
gain. The antenna factors are used to calculate field
strength for the selected frequency. The antenna
factor (dB/m) for the selected frequency is added to
the measured output (dBV) displayed by the receiver
to obtain field strength (dBV/m). The gain data can
be used to predict the required power needed to
generate desired electromagnetic field for immunity
testing using the ALC-100.
The Compact Log Periodic antenna model ALC-100 is
a broadband antenna with frequency range of 300
MHz to 1 GHz. This antenna can be used for EMC
emissions or immunity measurements. It is smaller
an lighter compared to the ALC-100 Log Periodic
antenna and was designed for the Com-Power ANK
series antenna kits.
These antennas are individually calibrated using pro-
cedures described in ANSI 63.4 at 10 meter distance
using NIST traceable equipment. The calibration
data is shipped with the antenna to maximize EMC
measurement accuracy. User defined calibration
distances or accredited calibration service is also
available upon request. The ALC-100 has 50Ω N type
connector and can handle up to 50W of continuous
power input.
The ALC-100 can be mounted to a tripod or mast
from the center using the attached mounting
adapter. This adapter has pivoting joint that allows
the antenna to be rotated to vertical or horizontal
polarizations with ease. The bottom of the adapter
has as a 1/4 inch x 20 thread hole. This enables the
antenna to be attached to the Com-Power AT-120
tripods. The AT-120 tripod can be purchased with a
custom carrying case ATC-120.
Compact Log Periodic
Com-Power Corporation
114 Olinda Drive, Brea, California 92823
(714) 528 - 8800