Com-Power AH-826 User Manual
Horn antenna features, Description, Application

Horn Antenna
Broadband - 18 GHz to 26.5 GHz
High Gain - Lower Floor Noise for Emissions
Individual Calibration
Two Year Warranty
Model AH-826 is a broadband linearly polarized
double ridged waveguide horn antenna designed
specifically for Electromagnetic Interference
testing. This antenna can be used for receive as
well as transmit applications for the frequency
range of 18 GHz to 26.5 GHz.
This antenna has high gain, with at least 23 dBi
over the entire frequency range. This antenna
can accept up to 5 Watts of input power at its
terminals in continuous mode in the applicable
frequency range for generating electromagnetic
fields for immunity testing.
The AH-826 Horn antenna has a K type connec-
tor which can mate with SMA type connector.
The antenna is constructed using lightweight
aluminum with a corrosion resistant finish. The
oval rear plate has a 1/4" x 20 threaded hole for
mounting it to the Com-Power AT-100 tripod.
The antenna is individually calibrated. The data
and certificate of calibration will be shipped
with the antenna. The data will include the an-
tenna factors and antenna gain.
The AH-826 was designed for EMC testing, but
can also be used for antenna gain pattern mea-
surements, surveillance, and other applications.
The wide frequency band makes the AH-826
antenna is suitable for sweep measurement, re-
ducing the need for antenna switching during
the test.
High gain reduces input power requirements to
achieve the desired field strength levels for
immunity testing and improves antenna sensi-
tivity to low level signals during emissions test-
ing. The measured field strength can be calcu-
lated by adding the antenna factor for the par-
ticular frequency to voltage measured at the
antenna output terminal.
For immunity measurements, the input power
requirement P in Watts to generate E electric
field strength in V/m at a distance D in meters
can be calculated by using the following for-
P = E
x D
/ 30 x N
N = 10
G = 20 log F -29.79- AF
N = Numeric Gain
G = gain in dBi
F = Frequency in MHz
AF = antenna factor in dB/m
Com-Power Corporation
(949) 587 - 9800