Coollogic control system optional features – ClimaCool CoolLogic Control System User Manual
Page 9
Chilled Water Temperature Sensor Connections
Chilled water temperature monitoring (entering and leaving)
is a standard feature of the CoolLogic Control System. It is
accomplished by using a factory supplied pair of sensors and
sensor wells which are field installed into ½” weld-o-lets (field
supplied and installed onto the main water headers) within
60” of the entering and leaving chilled water locations.
Condenser Water Temperature Sensor Connections
Condenser water temperature monitoring (entering and
leaving) is a standard feature of the CoolLogic Control System.
It is accomplished by using a factory supplied pair of sensors
and sensor wells which are field installed into ½” weld-o-lets
(field supplied and installed onto the main water headers)
within 60” of the entering and leaving chilled water locations.
Chilled Water Pump and Flow Interlocks
This circuit serves as a proof-of-pump-run circuit and must
exhibit a closed circuit to run. On startup, this circuit will
allow the chiller to run for 10 seconds awaiting a closure
signal feedback, indicating the pump has turned ON. Upon
NO closure signal within 10 seconds, this circuit will shut
the system down. Following a latching alarm, the system
requires a reset and restart to resume operation.
Condenser Water Pump and Flow Interlocks
This circuit serves as a proof-of-pump-run circuit and must
exhibit a closed circuit to run. On startup, this circuit will
allow the chiller to run for 10 seconds awaiting a closure
signal feedback, indicating the pump has turned ON. Upon
NO closure signal within 10 seconds, this circuit will shut
the system down. Following a latching alarm, the system
requires a reset and restart to resume operation.
Building Automation System (BAS) Interface
Internal operational information is available where the
chiller is to be integrated into a building system and
monitored by the equipment of a controls manufacturer.
Available protocols built into the CoolLogic Control System
as standard are:
• BACnet over IP , Eternet, MSTP
• N2
• LonWorks
LonWorks® LonTalk Communications Interface
The Master Control Panel provides an optional LonTalk
communication interface between the chiller and the
BAS. Additional hardware is required (Echelon SLTA-10
communications card) to provide “gateway” functionality
between a LonTalk compatible device and the CoolLogic
Control System.
Compressor Unloading
Compressor unloading routines are programmed
into each module controller. When any one of the
module or compressor control parameters approaches a
pre-limit condition, the CoolLogic Control System executes
appropriate compressor unloading commands to avoid
compressor lockout, thus maximizing the chiller system on
Compressor Minimum Off Delay
When a compressor is turned off, the compressor will
remain off for this period of time.
Compressor Minimum On Delay
When a compressor is turned on, the compressor will
remain on for this period of time. This time can be cut short
if an alarm condition is predicted.
CoolLogic Control System Optional Features