Burke Flooring Wall Base Installation User Manual
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Burke Flooring Products, a Division of Burke Industries
2250 South Tenth Street, San Jose CA 95112
(408) 297-3500
Outside Corners:
To form outside corners, fold the base at the proper point and scribe the backside with a V-knife or a Cove Base
Gouging Tool. Remove no more than 20% of the base thickness. Heat the cut backside area with a hot air gun. Apply
heat carefully, too much heat will deform or blister the base. Crease the base at the fold with your hands or a hand
roller. Let cool to the touch. Apply adhesive and install. Press firmly to the wall and brace if needed. Use a wet clean
cloth to cool the base if hot from heating process.
Always maximize the length of the wall base measured from the edge of an outside corner. Extend the job formed
corner wall base length on each side of the corner at least 6 inches … or more, if possible. The longer the length of
wall base extends back from the corner. This will make the installation stronger in the face of abuse that can occur
during subsequent maintenance events.
Inside Corners:
To form inside corners, mark on the back of the base where the corner will be. Use a straight edge and a utility knife
or Cove Base Gouging Tool to cut the back of base. Remove no more than 20% of full thickness. If installing coved
base, cut a small 90° triangular wedge from the toe at the corner point. Apply heat with a hot air gun carefully
(excessive heat will deform or blister the part) to the back of the base at the corner point. Fold base, apply adhesive
while still warm to the touch, and press the corner into place. Carefully push the toe of the base into the corner until
your cut triangle closes. Press firmly to insure good adhesive contact. Hold a wet cloth to base to cool. Again, it is
important to maximize the length of the base that extends out from the inside corner.
Clean Up:
Remove all excess adhesive before it dries, using a cloth dampened with water. Once dry, it is difficult to remove.
Mineral spirits may help.
Recommended Adhesive:
Burke Flooring BR-101 is a white, solvent-free, environmentally safer base adhesive to be used when installing on
any clean, dry, non-porous surface. For non-porous surfaces, use contact cement.