Motec – MoTeC AFM1 User Manual
Page 11

Meter Operation
Analog Output
The Analog Output (3 Pin Connector) provides a voltage proportional to
The Analog Output may be connected to MoTeC Engine Management
Systems for transmission over the MoTeC Radio Link or closed loop control of
Air Fuel Ratio.
Alternatively the Output may be connected to an Analog Meter or other
measurement instrument such as a Data Logger or Chart Recorder.
The Output is an Isolated (or Floating) type (i.e. Not Ground Referenced).
Both positive and negative wires must be connected.
Refer to Appendix C for Wiring Details.
Setting the Output Voltage Range
The Analog Output Voltage Range may be configured to suit a number
of different measurement devices.
Appendix D Shows the Output Voltage Ranges for the different modes.
Note that different Output Voltage Ranges may be required for different
types of MoTeC ECUs
Mode +
Rear Panel Buttons
To enter the Range Select Mode hold down the MODE button as the
power is applied to the meter. The display will then show the currently
selected range (AO 1 to AO 9). To change the range press the MODE
button until the desired range appears.
Cycle the Meter power to resume normal Operation
Output Fine Adjustment
To allow for inaccuracies in the measuring device the Analog Output
voltage gain may be adjusted ± 10 %.