Operating instructions (cont’d) – Brown Products BrushOx (BC2613HER) User Manual
Page 19

Operating Instructions (cont’d)
Starting and Operating Instructions:
1. Set Parking Brake. Black knob on rear frame closure plate.
2. Turn fuel ON. Two locations: One in fuel line and one on carburetor.
3. Move Throttle lever to Choke position.
4. Engage starter with ignition key.
5. Once the engine is started, move throttle lever from choke to full throttle.
6. Allow engine to warm up 2-3 minutes before moving the BRUSH OX or
engaging the cutting blades.
7. Disengage Parking Brake.
8. Without engaging the cutting blades, drive the machine forward and backward
for 1-2 minutes to get a feel for how it handles.
9. The maximum Reverse Speed Control is set at the factory in close proximity
to optimum location and should be fine tuned by the dealer prior to delivery.
The operator should not tamper with this control until he has several hours’
operation experience and feels comfortable with the machine. The Reverse
Speed Control stud should NEVER be removed from the machine.
10. The maximum Forward Speed Control is set at the factory in close proximity
to optimum location for safe and comfortable operation. It should be fine
tuned by the dealer prior to delivery. Adjustment can be made with the star
shaped knob located on the right handlebar. DO NOT ADJUST until
comfortable with the operation of the BRUSH OX. CAUTION! DO NOT
ADJUST WHILE MOVING. When using the Forward Speed Control and
the Forward Control Lever and the lever does not make contact with the
handlebar DO NOT INCREASE PRESSURE on the Forward Lever as it
may break the Reverse Control Lever.
11. Forward and Reverse speeds during operation are determined by how far the
operator pulls or pushes the Forward and Reverse levers. The BRUSH OX is
equipped with a hydrostatic transaxle and has infinite forward and reverse
speeds that are determined by the operator.
12. Now that you are comfortable with the forward and reverse motion of the
BRUSH OX, it is time to engage the blades. ALWAYS engage the blades and
operate the BRUSH OX in the Full Throttle position. DO NOT run the engine
with the Choke activated after it has warmed up.
13. TO ENGAGE THE BLADES, place your left hand on the Blade Engage
Lever on the left handlebar and slowly push it down to the handlebar. DO
NOT push the Blade Engage Lever down rapidly as this will stall the engine.
Remember, you are starting two blades and a stump jumper from a static
position to 1850 RPM.