Avision AV360C User Manual
Page 26

[MS Text Converters]
MSWorksWin=Works for Windows 2.0,C:\WINDOWS\MSAPPS\TEXTCONV\worksdos.cnv
Works for DOS 2.0=Works for DOS 2.0,
Question: The printer does not print the documents. Why?
Pass-through printing may pose a problem for
some printers. It is suggested that you
a) add a second printer card for printing purpose,
b) add Avision scanner interface card to
perform scanning.
Please call your authorized local dealer for
Question: Does it take long for the scanner to initialize?
If your printer port supports SPP mode only, it
takes about two minutes for the scanner to
initialize. If your printer port supports EPP
mode, the initialization speed is much faster,
about 20 seconds. Generally, it takes a two to
three minutes time for the Avision AV360C
scanner lamp to warm up. It may be that your
scanner lamp is out of order if it works
Question: Why sometimes pass-through printing does not
work at all?
It may be that you forgot to power on the
scanner. When doing pass-through printing,
please first remember to power on the scanner.