AAEON ETX-701 User Manual

Page 7

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E T X C P U M o d u l e

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4.2 Necessary to know .................................................. 4-3

4.3 Installing VGA Driver ............................................... 4-4

4.4 Installing AES Driver ................................................ 4-5

4.5 Installing PCI to ISA Bridge Driver .......................... 4-6

4.6 Installing Ethernet Driver ......................................... 4-7

4.7 Ethernet Software Configuration ............................. 4-7

4.8 Installing Audio Driver .............................................. 4-8

4.9 Installing VRAID Driver ............................................ 4-9

Appendix A Programming The Watchdog Timer

A.1 Programming .........................................................A-2

A.2 W83627EHG Watchdog Timer Initial Program ......A-6

Appendix B I/O Information

B.1 I/O Address Map ....................................................B-2

B.2 1


MB Memory Address Map ................................B-3

B.3 IRQ Mapping Chart ................................................B-3

B.4 DMA Channel Assignments ...................................B-4

Appendix C OS Support List

C.1 OS Support Table ................................................. C-2

C.2 OS Support Limitations......................................... C-2