AAEON IMBA-880 Rev.B User Manual

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I n d u s t r i a l M o t h e r b o a r d

I M B A - 8 8 0 R e v . B

1.1 Introduction

The IMBA-880 Rev.B is AAEON’s Industrial Motherboard which

adopts Intel


Core to Duo/ Pentium


4/ Celeron



(Supports 1066/880/533MHz FSB). The high-speed system

chipset is one of Intel


leader accounts. The IMBA-880 Rev.B is

designed for Industrial Motherboard with ATX form factor.

Integrating with GMA950 2D/3D Graphics Accelerator which

makes the IMBA-880 Rev.B with a great performance on VGA

display and the core frequency up to 400MHz with PCI-Express


IMBA-880 Rev.B promises you off-the-shelf expansion

possibilities with versatile expansion interfaces- PCI connectors

to extend your onboard features.

The IMBA-880 Rev.B is designed to focus on the Industrial

Motherboard market with long-term support services. The

IMBA-880 Rev.B no doubt is your best choice.

Chapter 1 General Information
