Elmo Rietschle C-DLR 60/100/120/150/250/300/400/500 User Manual

Page 15

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15 © Gardner Denver Schopfheim GmbH, Gardner Denver Deutschland GmbH


Transport, storage and disposal

4.2 Description

The C-DLR range has a connecting thread on the pressure side and an intake silencer on the suction side.
With the C-DLR 60 the incoming air is cleaned by a fi lter cartridge. The C-DLR 100-500 have a micro fi lter on
the suction side.

The ZEPHYR C-DLR is a double shaft rotary piston compressor in which the claws roll off against each other
contact free and dry. The counter-rotating claw rotors are synchronised by a gear pair in the gearbox. The
synchronous gearbox gear wheels and the bearing on the motor side are lubricated with oil. These compo-
nents are in a gearbox that also contains the oil supply. Oil conveying devices always ensure that the bear-
ings and the gear wheels are suffi ciently supplied with oil at all permissible speeds. The feed chamber has
no sealants or lubricants. The C-DLR 400 and 500 sizes have grease lubricated bearings on the B side.
The gearbox and the compression chamber are separated from each other by special seals. The gearbox is
sealed from the outside with shaft seals and O rings, the compressor chamber with piston rings. Between
them there is also another atmospherically ventilated area which can be loaded with sealing gas (special ver-
The C-DLR 100-500 are encapsulated by an insulating hood. In order to dissipate compression heat, the
cooling air is sucked through between the machine and the hood using drum fan that sucks in the fresh
cooling air (Fig. 3/E) and discharges the heated air out of the cooling air outlet (Fig. 3/F). The ZEPHYR DLR is
driven by standard fl anged three phase motors via a coupling (with an elastomer component).

To protect against overload a safety valve (Fig. 2/D... 4/D) is fi tted as standard.


Areas of application

These contact free running claw compressors, C-DLR are suitable for creating excess pressure between 0
and the maximum limit (in bars) given on the data plate Fig. 2/N). Constant operation is permissible.

The compressors have a fl ow rate of 60, 100, 120, 150, 235, 300, 385 and 500 m


/h at 50 Hz. The load limits

(bars) on the pressure side are given on the data plate (N). Data sheet D 881 shows the dependency of the
fl ow rate on the excess pressures.

If the unit is switched on more frequently (at regu-
lar intervals of about 12 times an hour (C-DLR 60
- 150)) or at higher ambient temperatures and intake
temperatures, the excess temperature limit of the
motor winding and the bearings may be exceeded.

Please contact the manufacturer should the unit be
used under such conditions.

If it is installed in the open air the unit must be pro-
tected from environmental infl uences, (e.g. by a pro-
tective roof).