Gorman-Rupp Pumps PA10A60-4045H-ESP 1423416 thru 1485219 User Manual
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AL'. After the engine starts and the unit is fully
primed, adjust the engine RPM until the desired
flow rate is achieved.
Pump speed and operating condition
points must be within the continuous per
formance range shown on the curve on
Page E‐1.
Automatic Starting
With the float system installed, follow the proce
dures outlined for manual starting and throttle ad
justment. Switch the keyswitch to `OFF' until the
water level rises above the on point for the float sys
tem, then turn the keyswitch to the `AUTO' setting.
The unit will run until the float signals the control
that the water in the wet well is at the float off point,
at which time the unit will shut down automatically.
When the float signals the control that the water in
the wet well is at the float on point, the unit will re‐
start automatically, repeating the cycle.
Once the pump is fully primed, no leakage should
be visible at pump mating surfaces, or at pump
connections or fittings. Keep all line connections
and fittings tight to maintain maximum pump effi
Pump Vacuum Check
Read the vacuum gauge with the pump primed
and at operation speed. Shut off the pump. The
vacuum gauge reading will immediately drop pro
portionate to static suction lift, and should then sta
bilize. If the vacuum reading falls off rapidly after
stabilization, an air leak exists. Before checking for
the source of the leak, check the point of installa
tion of the vacuum gauge.
Liquid Temperature And Overheating
The maximum liquid temperature for this pump is
_ F (71_C). Do not apply it at a higher operating
Overheating can occur if operated with the valves
in the suction or discharge lines closed. Operating
against closed valves could bring the liquid to a
boil, build pressure, and cause the pump to rup
ture or explode. If overheating occurs, stop the
pump immediately and allow it to completely cool
before servicing it. Approach any over‐heated
pump cautiously.
Allow an over‐heated pump to com
pletely cool before servicing. Do not re
move plates, covers, gauges, or fittings
from an overheated pump. Liquid within
the pump can reach boiling tempera
tures, and vapor pressure within the
pump can cause parts being disen
gaged to be ejected with great force. Af
ter the pump cools, drain the liquid from
the pump by removing the casing drain
plug. Use caution when removing the
plug to prevent injury to personnel from
hot liquid.
As a safeguard against rupture or explosion due to
heat, this pump is equipped with a pressure relief
valve which will open if vapor pressure within the
pump casing reaches a critical point. If over‐heat
ing does occur, stop the pump immediately and al
low it to cool before servicing it. Approach any
over‐heated pump cautiously. It is recom
mended that the pressure relief valve assembly be
replaced at each overhaul, or any time the pump
casing over‐heats and activates the valve. Never
replace this valve with a substitute which has not
been specified or provided by the Gorman‐Rupp
Strainer Check
Check the strainer regularly, and clean it as neces
sary. The strainer should also be checked if pump
flow rate begins to drop. Monitor and record the