SM Pro Audio M-Patch 4M: Passive Controller/Switcher with Talkback User Manual

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Your M-Patch 4M is designed to accommodate a wide variety of balanced and unbal-

anced audio connections, allowing for a great deal of fl exibility in adapting the unit for

use in almost any studio environment.


Dual L/R Combination Balanced XLR – 1/4” TRS

Dual L/R Unbalanced RCA

Dual 1/8” (3.5mm) TRS

Balanced XLR Talkback Microphone (w/ Built-In Mic Preamplifi er)

TS Talkback Microphone Remote Activator (w/ INT/EXT Selector Switch)

TS Mute Function Remote Activator


Dual L/R Balanced XLR Control Room Out

L/R XLR Balanced Studio Out

L/R 1/4” Unbalanced TS Studio Out

L/R Unbalanced RCA Studio Out

1/8” (3.5mm) TRS Studio Out

Mutes the control room

outputs 1 and/or 2.

Mic On: Switches the talk-

back microphone on or off.

Adjust the volume of the

talkback microphone.

Adjusts the volume of the

Studio 1/Studio 2 outputs.

Mutes the outputs of the

outputs Studio 1/Studio 2.

Here you choose what to hear via

the headphone out: Studio 1 or 2

or Control Room 1 or 2.