Xylem Resvari Booster Set Variable Speed User Manual
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Basic Parameter setting
Power the appliance and within 2 seconds the presentation screen will be displayed whilst this screen is
displayed press the + button and hold, the screen will then change to INSTALLATION.
Press and hold the + button and the screen will change to the SETTING DETAILafter a few
seconds this will automatically change and show LANGUAGE press + or – to scroll through
menu and select English by
pressing ENTER and hold until the screen displays DONE.
The screen will then change to MOTOR CURRENT. Input motor current, press and hold ENTER until the
screen shows DONE.
The screen will then show SYSTEM PRESSURE input required system set point pressure, press and hold
Enter until the screen shows DONE.
The screen will then show SYSTEM START. Select ON, press ENTER and hold until screen shows DONE,
The screen will then show SAVE & EXIT, press ENTER and hold until screen shows DONE.
All parameters will now be saved and screen will revert to normal window showing system pressure and
Frequency on the top display line and Status on 2nd line (ACTIVE).
Note if the system pressure is low the pump will start immediately.
Open discharge valve and open an out let in the system to help purge air through and out of the system,
close outlet and pump will ramp down and switch off.
Master menu For extended setting details refer to Aquontroller O&M manual
To enter the master menu press and hold (+) (-) (enter) together until extended mode appears
Enter password 66 then press enter for 2 seconds. Press
to scroll through the master menu
Check that par 06 is set to 3 sec, 07 set to 3 seconds, 11 is set to 25Hz, 21 is set to 25Hz and 22 set to 1.0 bar
When a draw off point connected to the system is opened water will be discharged from the vessel, if the
demand continues the system pressure will start to fall until the pump cut in pressure is reached.
The pump will now start and ramp up maintaining the system pressure.
The pump will ramp up and down until demand cesses and the pump will then ramp down and stop.
Lack of water
If the Aquontroller senses a lack of water the pump will be stopped automatically.
The pump will automatically attempt to start 5 times (once every 5 minutes) if water is still not available the
set will attempt to start every 50 minutes for the next 24 hours if water is still not available the set will shut
down completely and a manual reset will be required. See Aquontroller O&M for further details.
Aquontroller display messages
resvari vs booster set o and m instructions:Layout 1
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