Xylem O&M Mini F Series Variable Speed User Manual
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Discharge pipe work
On two pump sets the discharge pipe work can be connected to either end of the booster set, ensure the
blanking cap is fitted to the end not used. A flexible connector fitted between the booster discharge manifold
and the system connection pipe will help prevent the transmission of noise/vibration. On single pump units
connect to the port provided. An isolation valve should be provided between the booster discharge line and
the system to aid maintenance. The discharge pipe work should be sized to achieve a maximum velocity of
approximately 2.5m/s.
Pressure vessels
The booster set is fitted with 1 or 2 x 24lt vessels which is the minimum that should be used with fixed speed
pump sets. Larger vessel can be added if required. If stand alone vessels are added they should have an
isolation valve and drain cock fitted to allow the vessel to be isolated from the system and drained to check
the pre-charge pressure.
The vessel pre-charge should be set to approximately 0.2 bar below the pump stating pressure.
Pressure switch setting details
The booster set will be fitted with 1 pressure switch for each pump.
Pump operation is controlled by pressure switches, one for each pump. The unit will normally be
supplied with the pressure switches set to match the pumps fitted.
If pressure switch settings need altering they should be adjusted as follows. Read in conjunction
with fig A
P1s = pump 1 stop pressure which is normally set to 0.5
bar below Pmax (pump closed valve head).
P2s = pump 2 stop pressure which is normally set to 1
bar below Pmax when fitted.
P1 = pump 1 differential pressure which is normally set
at 1 bar, this will start pump one, 1 bar below P1s.
P2 = pump 2 differential pressure which is normally set
at1 bar, this will start pump two 1 bar below P2s when
With the main power isolated check:
1. The break tank feeding the set is filled with water and the ball valve is set to the correct height.
2. The set/system vessels have been charged with Nitrogen to the correct pressure (set point -0.2 bar).
3. Open suction line isolation valve.
4. Open suction and discharge pump isolation valves.
5. Close main discharge isolation valve.
6. Open the pump vents at the top of each pump.
7. Allow all air to escape until water flows freely.
8. Close pump vent valves.
9. Open discharge valve.
10. Ensure all vessel valves are open.
11. Switch the main power supply on.
12. allow water to flow and clear air through the system
13. close discharge valve and check pressure reading on pressure gauge
14. The system set point should already be set but to change refer to fig A above.
See GXS O&M for more in depth pump details.
Pump 1
Pump 2
Fig A
mini f booster set o and m instructions:Layout 1
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