Xylem IM039 R04 Grinder Pumps 10 and 30 1_1/4 Discharge User Manual

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There are two basic float switch designs; single-action and

wide-angle. Single-action switches operate over a range of 15º

so they open and close quickly. Wide-angle floats operate over

a 90º swing with the tether length between the float body and

the pivot point controlling the On-Off range. The design de-

termines how many floats are required with different systems

or controls.
Floats may be normally open (NO) for pump down applica-

tions or to empty a tank. Normally closed (NC) switches are

used to pump up or to fill a tank.
A control switch may be used only with a control panel, never

direct connected to a pump.

There are no absolute rules for where to set the float switches,

it varies from job to job.
Suggested Rules to Follow:

All floats should be set below the Inlet pipe!
Off Float: Best:
set so the water level is always above the top

of the pump (motor dome). Next Best: set so the water level is

not more than 6" below the top of the pump.
On Float: set so the volume of water between the On and Off

floats allows two (2) HP and larger pumps to run a minimum

of 2 minutes. Basin literature states the gallons of storage per

inch of basin height.
Lag/Alarm Float(s): should be staggered above the Off and

On floats. Try to use most of the available storage provided

by the basin, save some space for reserve storage capacity. See

Diagrams and Charts in Float Switch Chart Section.

Our control panels are shipped with instructions and wir-

ing diagrams. Use those instructions in conjunction with this

IOM. Electrical installation should be performed only by

qualified technicians. Any problem or questions pertaining to

another brand control must be referred to that control sup-

plier or manufacturer. Our technical people have no technical

schematics or trouble shooting information for other compa-

nies' controls.

We recommend the installation of an alarm on all Wastewa-

ter pump installations. Many standard control panels come

equipped with alarm circuits. If a control panel is not used,

a stand alone high liquid level alarm is available. The alarm

alerts the owner of a high liquid level in the system so they can

contact the appropriate service personnel to investigate the


Three Phase Control Panels

Series 1GD and 12GDS three phase grinder pumps require a

control panel containing as a minimum:
• A 3 pole circuit breaker.

• Magnetic starter with ambient compensated Class 10


• Transformer to supply 115 or 24 volt control power.

• Terminal wiring strip for all external connections.



• A panel seal failure circuit with relay and warning device can

only be used if pump is equipped with a seal failure sensor.

• High level alarm circuit

• Visual and/or audible high level alarm device.
Our Simplex and Duplex “Single Phase Grinder Panels” (see

the price book) contain built-in capacitors, a start relay and

wiring terminals.

In the event you wish to source a control panel locally we sell

capacitor kits which a panel shop will be able to build into a

custom panel. Note: the kits contain the capacitors and start

relay. These are not a field installable, add-on item. Building

the capacitor kits into a control panel is a job for a UL or CSA

approved panel shop. Due to concern for liability, installer

safety and Agency Listing, our Customer Service technicians

are forbidden to assist anyone attempting to field modify a

standard control panel using these capacitor kits. We hope you

understand and respect our position in this matter. “Recom-

mended Control Panels” are listed in the Product Bulletins

found in the respective product catalog or on the website

named on the front cover of this IOM.
Motor High Temperature Sensor:

The single phase 1GD or 12GDS pumps have an optional

feature, a built-in motor high temperature sensor. This heat

sensor opens and closes the circuit to the contactor coil when

properly wired into a control panel. It opens at a motor tem-

perature of 275°F (135°C) and stops the pump. As the motor

temperature drops to 112°F (78°C) the motor automatically


Pump Seal Failure (Moisture Detection) Sensor:

An option on the 1GD and standard on the 12GDS. This

sensor located in the seal chamber detects the presence of

moisture in the seal chamber. When connected to an optional

seal failure relay and warning device in the control panel it

signals that service needs to be performed on the lower seal.

The seal failure circuit option must be ordered as a control

panel option, it is not supplied as a standard item.