Using your smartphone, Turning on for the first time, Sign in to or create a google account – Acer S510 User Manual

Page 9: Creating multiple google accounts, Entering your pin, Activating a new sim card, Locking your smartphone

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Using your smartphone

Turning on for the first time

To turn on your smartphone for the first time, press and hold the power button until
the screen turns on. You will then be asked to configure some settings before you
can use your smartphone.
Follow the onscreen instructions to complete setup.

Sign in to or create a Google account

If you have Internet access, your smartphone allows you to synchronize information
with a Google account.
During the start-up process, you may create or sign in to your account, which will be
used to synchronize your contact list, email, calendar and other information. If you
do not yet have Internet access, or do not want to use this feature, then tap Skip.

Creating multiple Google accounts

You can create and easily access multiple Google accounts. Open the Application
menu and then tap Settings > Add account.

Entering your PIN

When you install a SIM card for the first time, you may need to enter a PIN using the
onscreen number pad.

Important: Depending on your settings, you may be required to enter your PIN
each time you switch on the phone function.

Activating a new SIM card

If you are using your SIM card for the first time, it may require activation. Contact
your network operator for details on how to do this.

Locking your smartphone

If you will not use your smartphone for a while, briefly press the power button to lock
access. This saves power and ensures your smartphone does not unintentionally
use any services. Your smartphone will lock automatically if it is not used for one