Acer C20 User Manual
Information for your safety and comfort, Engl sh, Turning the product off before cleaning

Copyrght © 2010. Acer Incorporated.
All Rghts Reserved.
Acer Projector C20 Seres User's Gude
Orgnal Issue: 09/2010
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Record the model number, seral number, purchase date and place of purchase nformaton n the space provded below. The seral
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Acer Projector C20 Seres
Model number:
Seral number: _______________________________________
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Information for your safety and comfort
Read these nstructons carefully. Keep ths document for future reference. Follow all warnngs and nstructons marked on the product.
Turning the product off before cleaning
Unplug ths product from the wall outlet before cleanng. Do not use lqud cleaners or aerosol cleaners. Use a damp cloth for cleanng.
Caution for plug as disconnecting device
Observe the followng gudelnes when connectng and dsconnectng power to the external power supply unt:
• Install the power supply unt before connectng the power cord to the AC power outlet.
• Unplug the power cord before removng the power supply unt from the projector.
• If the system has multple sources of power, dsconnect power from the system by unpluggng all power cords from the power
Caution for Accessibility
Be sure that the power outlet you plug the power cord nto s easly accessble and located as close to the equpment operator as
possble. When you need to dsconnect power to the equpment, be sure to unplug the power cord from the electrcal outlet.
• Do not use ths product near water.
• Do not place ths product on an unstable cart, stand or table. If the product falls, t could be serously damaged.
• Slots and openngs are provded for ventlaton to ensure relable operaton of the product and to protect t from overheatng. These
openngs must not be blocked or covered. The openngs should never be blocked by placng the product on a bed, sofa, rug or other
smlar surface.
Ths product should never be placed near or over a radator or heat regster, or n a bult-n nstallaton unless proper ventlaton s
• Never push objects of any knd nto ths product through cabnet slots as they may touch dangerous voltage ponts or short-out parts
that could result in a fire or electric shock. Never spill liquid of any kind onto or into the product.
• To avod damage of nternal components and to prevent battery leakage, do not place the product on a vbratng surface.
• Never use t under sportng, exercsng, or any vbratng envronment whch wll probably cause unexpected short current or damage
rotor devces, lamp.