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Product description
The electronic temperature control soldering station has been developed to meet the present and future needs of
the electronic industry. It incorpotates a sophisticated electronic circuit which enables the user to change the tip
temperature without the need to change the tip or heating element. The temperature is maintained within ±4


C of

its preset temperature. This is made possible by a unique temperature sensor that is located near the tip.
Resulting in rapid response and little temperature variation .the tip of the unit is isolated from the AC line by a
transformer: low voltage (24 volts) is utilized to power the heating element. Completely electronic switching
protects voltage and current sensitive components against transient spikes sometimes caused by other units
utilizing mechanical switching circuits. This unit incorporates an electronic LED readout which accurately
indicates the temperature of the tip.

Working temperature
Soldering at the correct t temperature is very important to ensure perfect solder connection. If the temperature is
too low the solder will not flow correctly and will cause cold solder joints. If the temperature is too high the flux
will be burned and not allow the solder to flow. High temperatures can also cause damage to the to the PC Board
and other sensitive components. When tip temperature is set within the correct range for to the particular solder
being used, a good joint is assured.
The most common solder alloys used in the electronics industry is 60% tin, 40%lead (60/40).
A common tip working temperature of 60/40 solder is detailed below (however, this may vary from
manufacturer to manufacturer, please refer to the solder specifications):
Melting point




Normal operation 215 – 300



Production line operation 320 - 380



Desoldering small joint




Desoldering large joint




Care of the tip
The tip supplied is iron plated copper. If used properly, it will last for a long time.
1. Keep tips tinned before switching off or storing for any period of time; wipe clean before use.
2. Do not keep the iron set at high temperature for a long time, this may affect surface of tip.
3. Never clean the tip with coarse abrasive materials.
4. If an oxide film does form, it can be cleaned by lightly rubbing with a 600-800 grit emery cloth, isopropanyl
alcohol, and than immediately re-heat and re-tin to prevent oxidation.
5. Remove tip and clean every 20 hours or at least once a week, and remove any loose dirt from the barrel.
6. Donot use soldering fluxes containing chlorid or acid. Use resin or activated resin fluxes.

Tip replacement
Note: tip replacement or cleaning should only be done at room-temperature. Operation without tip inserted will
cause damage to soldering iron and station.
Tip can be changed or replaced by un-screwing the nut barrel assembly. The station must be unplugged from the
mains during this operation. After removing tip, blow out any oxide dust that may have formed inside the barrel.
Be carefull, avoid getting the dust in your eyes. Replace the tip and screw the retaining nut on to the barrel
assembly. Donot use plier to tighten, overtightening will cause damage to the heating element.

General Cleaning
The outer case of the station may be cleaned with a damp cloth using small amounts of liquid detergent. Never
submerse the unit or allow liquids to enter the unit. Never use solvent to clean the case.

Never open the soldering station, risk of exposure to high voltage !! Any repairs to be carried out by qualified
personel only. Unplug the unit when not in use.

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