Asus RS300-H8-PS12 User Manual

Page 140

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Chapter 6: RAID configuration


Use the arrow key to select the disk you would like to configure as hot spare, then
move the cursor to the

Hot Spr column. Press <+>, <->, or .

Press to commit the changes. The

Drive Status column field now shows Hot


Running a consistency check

To run a consistency check on the RAID volume:


Follow steps 1–3 of the section

Viewing volume properties and step 2 of the section

Managing hot spares.


From the

Manage Volume screen select Consistency Check, then press .


On the following screen, press to start the consistency check on the RAID

Esc = Exit Menu F1/Shift+1 = Help

SPACE/+/- = Change Item C = Commit Changes

LSI Corp Config Utility v7.29.00.00 (2012.11.12)

Manage Hot Spare -- SAS2308-2

Identifier LSI Logical Volume 3000

Type RAID 1

Size(GB) 73

Status Optimal

Task None

Slot Device Identifier Hot Drive Pred Size


Spr Status Fail (GB)

0 ATA WDC WD800JD-22LS1D06 [No] RAID No 74

1 ATA WDC WD800JD-22LS1D06 [No] RAID No 74

2 ATA WDC WD800JD-22LS1D06


---------- No 74

3 ATA WDC WD800JD-22LS1D06


---------- No 74

Esc = Exit Menu F1/Shift+1 = Help

Enter = Select Item

LSI Corp Config Utility v7.29.00.00 (2012.11.12)

Manage Volume -- SAS2308-2

Press Enter to run a consistency check on the RAID volume.
This field is grayed out under the following conditions:

- The adapter’s MPT FW does not support the feature

- The volume is a RAID 0

- The volume is not optimal

- The volume is already running a consistency check

- The volume has a consistency check pending