North bridge configuration, Numa aware [auto, Page poilcy [open – Asus RS704D-E6/PS8 User Manual

Page 83: Adaptive page [disabled, Data scramble [enabled, Split below 4 gb [disabled, Channel interleaving [6:1, Rank interleaving [4:1, Force vdd 1.5v [disabled

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ASUS RS700D-E6/PS8, RS702D-E6/PS8, RS704D-E6/PS8


North Bridge Configuration

The North Bridge Configuration menu shows the auto-detected Northbridge values.



NorthBridge Chipset Configuration

NB Revision


Current CSI Frequency


NUMA Aware [Auto]

Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]

Page Poilcy [Open]

Configuration options: [Closed] [Open]

Adaptive Page [Disabled]

Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]

Data Scramble [Enabled]

Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]

Split Below 4 GB [Disabled]

Configuation options: [Disabled] [Auto]

Channel Interleaving [6:1]

Allows you to set the channel interleaving setting.

Configuation options: [1:1] [2:1] [4:1] [6:1]

Rank Interleaving [4:1]

Allows you to set the rank interleaving setting.

Configuation options: [1:1] [2:1] [4:1]

Memory Thermal Throttling [Disabled]

[CLTT] is for closed loop thermal throttling and [OLTT] for open loop thermal

throttling. Configuration options: [CLTT] [OLTT] [Disabled] [Auto]

Force VDD 1.5V [Disabled]

Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]