For willamette), For northwood), Cpu vcore setting [auto – Asus P4B266 User Manual

Page 84: Cpu vcore [1.750v, 500v, Cpu level 1 cache, cpu level 2 cache [enabled

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Chapter 4: BIOS Setup

CPU VCore Setting [Auto]

The [Manual] setting allows you to manually select the core voltage
supplied to the CPU (see next item). However, it is recommended that you
keep the default setting [Auto] to allow the system to automatically
determine the appropriate CPU core voltage.

CPU VCore [1.750V]

(for Willamette)

, [1.500V]

(for Northwood)

When the CPU VCore Setting parameter above is set to [Manual], the
CPU VCore item allows you to select a specific CPU core voltage. This
field is not accessible when the CPU VCore Setting is set to [Auto].

Depending on the OVER_VOLT jumper setting (see page 2-23 for the
jumper location and settings), the CPU core voltage options vary for both
Willamette and Northwood processors. See the following table.

CPU Level 1 Cache, CPU Level 2 Cache [Enabled]

These fields allow you to choose from the default [Enabled] or choose
[Disabled] to turn on or off the CPU Level 1 and Level 2 built-in cache.
Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]

Refer to the CPU documentation before setting this field. A very high
core voltage may severely damage the CPU!




1.750V, 1.775V, 1.800V,

1.750V, 1.775V, 1.800V,

1.825V, 1.850V

1.825V, 1.850V, 1.875V,
1.900V, 1.925V, 1.950V,
1.975V, 2.000V, 2.025V,
2.050V, 2.075V, 2.100V


1.500V, 1.525V, 1.550V,

1.500V, 1.525V, 1.550V,

1.575V, 1.600V, 1.625V,

1.575V, 1.600V, 1.625V,

1.650V, 1.675V, 1.700V

1,650V, 1.675V, 1.700V,
1.725V, 1.750V



P4 Processor

Motherboard versions earlier than R2.00 do not have the OVER_VOLT
jumper. For these motherboards, the CPU VCore configuration options
are the same as those under the Disabled column in the table.