Fingerprint login – Asus V2Je User Manual
Page 71

Using the Notebook PC
Fingerprint Login
The fingerprint scanner can be used to replace the system bootup and/or Windows login password check.
To use this feature:
1. You must set a Supervisor Password on the “Security” page in BIOS SETUP UTILITY.
2. Password Check on the “Security” page in BIOS SETUP UTILITY must be set to [Fingerprint].
3� Choose Power-on Security in the “Control Center”�
4� Select “Replace the power-on and hard...”�
5� Select “Allow power-on security single
sign-on” in System Settings from the “Control
Center”� This page allows you to select
fingerprint logon options.
7. During system boot, you will see “Swipe finger to authorize access...”. If you do not successfully
do so in the allowed time, it will revert to “Enter Password: _”. Pressing the [ESC] key will show
“Biometric operation cancelled” and allow you to enter a password instead of using a fingerprint. In
either case, you will see ***ACCESS GRANTED*** when authorized.
8. If you used a fingerprint on system boot, you will also automatically login to Windows with your
account. You will see “Succeeded” on the login screen. If you used a password on system boot, you
will be required to use your fingerprint or type in a password to login to Windows.
6� Set the password type for power-on security
associated with your fingerprint in “Enroll or Edit
Fingerprints” from the “Control Center”� You will
be asked for the relevant BIOS password based
on your selection�