Asus W5A User Manual
Page 126

3. Make phone call to specified user. Video
Security will give a warning message call
to a specified number.
4. Execute specific program.
It is very helpful for user to start other program when Video Security detected any problem. When you
enable any of these items, Setup Wizard will show the setting menu for these items. See next.
Video Capture Setting
The maximum Video Capture time interval is the video
recording time and the default value is 2 seconds, you may
adjust this value.
E-Mail Setting
E-Mail Setting is very simple; all you have to do is fill in the
E-Mail Address field with a valid email address. The Carbon
Copy E-Mail Address and Mail Body are optional. If your
mail server needs authentication for sending mails, you need
to enter SMTP Mail Server setup dialog to fill out the your
ID and password.
Dial setting
Number: You must fill in the Area Code and the Phone
Number with all digital numbers.
Voice message: The wave file is played when user this
warning call is made and sent to the receiver. You should
make sure the valid wave file exists, and if you want to record
a different wave message, please make sure the wave file
format is 8kHz sample rate, 16bit sample size and one
channel. The default wave file is put under the program folder,
Redial attempts: This determines, when the remote party to be called makes no
responses, how many times Video Security will redial.
Execute specific program setting
If you want to execute a specified program immediately when Video Security
detected any unusual condition, (like another control program) you may set this
option. You must fill a valid execution program name. Otherwise you will get an
error message.