GC EUROPE Fuji VIII GP User Manual

Page 3

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Which Restorative

The most successful adherent system –

clinically proven!

A recent systematic review of adhesive clinical trials ranked
glass ionomer cement Number 1 in superior retention and
clinical performance over resin adhesive systems (in other
words, superior to etch and self etch, 3-step, 2-step and
1-step adhesives)*.

* Peumans M, Kanumilli P, De Munck J, Van Landuyt K, Lambrechts P, Van
Meerbeck B. Clinical effectiveness of contemporary adhesives: A systemic
review of current clinical trials. Dent Mater 2005;21:864-881.

• are water-based cements with a unique matrix

structure – perfect for the oral environment

• tolerate moisture during placement*
• chemically bond to dentine, enamel and cementum
to create a strong, stable and chemically-fused seal
• withstand pulpal fluid flow (unlike resin adhesive
• protect the surrounding tooth structure by releasing
fluoride and strontium ions
• help stimulate internal remineralisation which
releases strontium and fluoride ions, ultimately
boosting the hardening process**
• eliminate bacteria in early stages
• achieve a positive pulpal response thanks to good
• have a coefficient of thermal expansion similar to

Glass ionomers are so effective as an

adhesive interface because they:

* they require protection from moisture contamination
straight after placement until the initial set has been
** Remineralisation of carious dentine exposed to a
glass ionomer, an in-vivo study. Ngo H, Mount GJ, Mor-
ris M McIntyre, Tuisuva J, Von Doussa R. J Dent Res 80
(IADR Abstract no 919) 2001.”