Dayton Audio DATS Dayton Audio Test System User Manual
Quick start for dats on windows 7

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Quick Start for
Windows 7
NEVER connect the test leads of the DATS to a speaker that is connected to any other
equipment or to an equipment ground! Severe damage could occur to the DATS unit or to
the other equipment! Only connect the DATS to an unconnected loudspeaker.
Here are step-by-step instructions to get you going quickly. Later, as you wish to learn more about using DATS, you can refer to the
built-in User’s Guide found under the Help menu.
1) Install the DATS software.
Insert the DATS CD into your PC’s drive and allow the file named "DATS_setup.exe" to auto-play.
(Alternately you can double-click on the file "DATS_setup.exe" to start the installation process.)
Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the software installation. Do not launch the software yet.
Check for available upgrades at:
2) Connect the DATS hardware unit to any convenient USB port on your computer.
Upon being connected and powering up the unit requires a full 90 seconds to stabilize before
measurements can be made. After this plug-in delay, impedance measurements take only a few seconds
to complete. Any USB port can be used with DATS but each port remembers its setup. For this reason you
can either use DATS with one particular USB port or you can setup each of your USB ports in turn to use
DATS. It is not a bad idea to just plug the unit into each port in sequence and set each port for 2-channel
input as required for DATS. The 90 sec. settling time is related to the requirement for precision
measurements down to 1 Hz.
3) Setup the USB port for 2-channel input and verify the input level for Windows 7.
From the Windows “Start” button select Control Panel/Sound. Once the Sound control panel opens select
the “Recording” tab as seen below (left). Next, double-click on the device “USB Audio Device” to open the
Properties window seen below (right). Note that on Windows 7 the DATS hardware may appear as "USB
Audio CODEC", "USB Audio Device" or similar.
Revised: 5Feb12