QTech Data Systems EP1 Q03 Programming Dongle User Manual
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EP1 – Q03 Programming Dongle - Quick Start Guide – v1.2 – 10 September2010 4
14. Complete this step only if the version of firmware you are upgraded from is prior
to v5.0, otherwise go to step 15. Close Q90. Run the “Q03 Options fix” program,
supplied on the CD with your EP1, and follow these simple steps.
Select the Com port in
use and press Fix
If successful, this
dialogue appears.
If unsuccessful, this dialogue
appears. Please retry.
This step ensures that firmware options that were not available when the Q03 was
originally manufactured are correctly cleared. This does not affect any firmware
options (AB-DF1, Modbus etc) that the RTU currently uses.
15. Using Q90 program press Open Configuration from the File menu to restore the
RTU configuration file saved in Step 1 above.
16. Step through the various Q90 Configuration options to ensure that the RTU is
configured correctly making any changes or adjustments as necessary before