Introduction, Requirements – QTech Data Systems EP1 Q03 Programming Dongle User Manual
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EP1 – Q03 Programming Dongle - Quick Start Guide – v1.2 – 10 September2010 2
The EP1 Programming Dongle is used to upgrade the firmware of Q03 DATRAN
RTUs. The EP1 can be used to upgrade Revisions B, C, D & E Q03 Processors for
both QRTU and DATRAN II eXcel RTUs.
This photograph shows the EP1 connected to a Revision D Q03 Processor.
The following is a detailed step by step procedure for updating the firmware in a Q03
Processor. Each step should be completed in the order shown.
We have endeavoured to make the practical use of the EP1 as simple as possible.
However, there are several important prerequisites to the successful use of the EP1.
Please remember that the programming of micro controllers is a specialised task and
only technical staff that are capable, confident and have experience of DATRAN
should complete it.
• The EP1 Programming Dongle installed with the latest Q03 firmware and the
loaded with the required quantity of upgrade licenses.
• A notebook or other portable computer running Q90 v3.27.
• Q90 Diagnostics cable (QTech part PD6502) RTU to PC serial cable.
• An existing understanding of the operation of the Q90 Configuration and
Diagnostic Program and familiarity of DATRAN RTUs.
• Flat blade screwdriver, small pair of pointed nose pliers.