Procom MU 9-xp4-... User Manual
Page 2

This antenna is especially designed for installation on non-conducting
surfaces as e.g. glassfiber roofs, as can be found on some trucks, busses,
transport vans and trains.
The antenna is an end-fed, ½ λ-dipole concept which can be fed in such a
way that the antenna does not require a “groundplane” as required by the
standard ¼ λ, ⅝ λ or colinear mobile whips.
It is useful to note that this antenna type can be used anywhere, where the
ground-plane is poor or completely missing, as e.g.: side-mounted on a
clamp as a pager antenna on a wall, or mounted at the very edge of a
ground-plane without the loss induced by a tilted radiation pattern.
The antenna must be mounted on a horizontal surface. When cleaning the
vehicle in car-washing machines, the whip is easily dismounted using a
spanner, size 9 mm. The whip is refitted again by screwing it onto the M6
thread stud on the mount and tightening it lightly with the spanner.
A polyethylene-covered, closely spirally wound flat steel-band material
causes the whip always to stand erect while at the same time being very
2. INSTALLATION STEPS (From outside)
Do not use sealer on rubber gasket or other places.
The antenna should always be tuned using an SWR-indicating device. The
cutting diagrams below serve as a guide for this procedure.
PROCOM A/S reserve the right to amend specifications
without prior notice.