Procom VoIP - LCPU User Manual
Dvs-21, Voip - lcpu, Public address over ip on train station platforms

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Public Address over IP
on Train Station Platforms
The Basis Platform is the DVS-21
A modular concept, can be universally applied (PA, intercom, remote operation…),
stations can be cascaded, system has interfaces to transmission technology
Compatibility to Public Address System Requirements
Compliant to german railways specifications like "Public Address on Train Station Platforms",
equipment regulations "Public Address on Train Station Platforms" for equipment levels 1 and 2,
application description “Public Address Over IP Networks (VolP)"
Main Functions of IP Public Address
In addition to the general functionality of a public address system there are certain requirements
in the area of IP public address which require special solutions. The important requirements are
listed as follows:
Software, Voice over IP
Linux operating system, DVS-21 API (Application Programming Interface),
Application: VolP - LCPU (Voice over IP for LCPU)
LCPU Hardware
DVS-21 System Module 3HE / 6TE
Intel XScale PAX 255, 400 Mhz
64 MB SDRAM (32 bit @ 100 Mhz)
32 MB Flash Memory (32 bit), CF-card up to 2 GB
10/100 MBit Ethernet controller, RJ45 connection
Universal module connection (Attachment modules: SO, E1, RS232)
Voice over IP - Application with the DVS-21 System
- Standard communication protocol H.323 / SIP
- Automatic / manual selection
- Authentication / prioritizing
(Refusal) (Suppression)
- Voice delay less than 1 s
- Connection and call/session monitoring
- Connection: Keep-alive (Conforming to
Connection protocol)
- Call/session: RTP monitoring
during an active connection
- Timeout: during an active connection
- Issuing of an advance signal before an
- Indication of message operation and errors
over SNMP trap
A system that
speaks for itself.
International sales by:
Professional Communication
& Service GmbH
Alfredstrasse 157
D-45131 Essen
+49 (0) 201 860 670 - 90
Fax.: +49 (0) 201 860 670 - 98
[email protected]
Deutschland / Germany
National sales by:
RSR Datacom GmbH & Co. KG
Alfredstrasse 157
D-45131 Essen
+49 (0) 201 860 670 - 0
Fax.: +49 (0) 201 860 670 - 40
[email protected]